Jenn's Daily Dose

August 3, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — jennkennedy @ 5:17 pm

More than anything, I want to build my writing and shooting work. I want to extend beyond web to the land of print, where the pay makes it seem like a real job, instead of just a hobby. In this perfect world, I want to interview interesting, complex people from all walks of life. I want to document their stories, their journeys. That is my most favorite activity.

I along with a partner, have been working on book about the lives and times of architects. With each subject, we interview and make an original photograph. It’s the perfect assignment, the combination of all my skills. I currently have a backlog of 25 stories to transcribe and tell.

And instead of tackling them head on, I Facebook or check the fridge or do just about anything else. I have bedside books about writing. They all basically say JUST DO IT. Simply tie myself down and focus. I’m just curious why such hesitation exists for something I enjoy, I know will lead me to better things still?

I guess the first step is acknowledging the procrastination tendency and doing it anyway. I love reading something when it’s finished and seeing it published even more. I just resist the actual process of creation. I know I’m not alone.

Time to get to work. Hoping this was a warm up…

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